Thursday 25 September 2008

First Blog/Profile

This is my first post for my Foundation Degree in Broadcast Media.

My name is Dan Crosfield and I am a student of Bath Spa University, studying at Weston University Campus. Since starting at Weston College I have completed a BTEC National Diploma in Media Production in which I achieved a triple distinction grade. After finishing the BTEC course I decided to progress onto the degree in Broadcast Media.

I have been interested in Media from a young age, a particular interest of mine being in film and television. I enjoy watching many different television shows and have a open mind when it comes to watching films, with my taste ranging from little known independent movies to high profile blockbusters. In my spare time I like going to the cinema and watching the latest films and am also a member of a the lovefilm rental company in which I receive the latest film releases through the post. I also enjoy going out with my mates, going to festivals and gigs and am a keen reader of comic books and graphic novels.

Within the last few years I have picked up a wide selection of different skills from my BTEC course. I know the basics of handling a camera and doing filming for a production, although always prefer not to as I haven't got the steadiest hand. Instead my forte relies more so in editing films, I find I have just about enough patience in editing and more of a feel for it overall. Other than these few things, I also have experience in sound recording, presentation skills and teamwork. I find that this course helped greatly with my confidence and provided me with a greater outlook of what I want to do in the future.

As well as college, I have also been working for WH Smiths in Weston and have done so for the last three years. In my time there I have learnt valuable teamwork and customer service skills, which along with the BTEC course has improved my confidence and given me a more mature personality. Currently I am one of the longest serving weekend staff, and therefore have been trusted with more job entitlements and meaning I'm somewhat of a 'go-to' guy if someone needs help (or a book due to my knowledge of the book department).

From these experiences within college and work I feel i have developed a lasting knowledge that will lead me to good job prospects in the future. In the future I aspire to work for a big movie company (i.e. Pixar etc.) hopefully writing and editing films with possibilities of directing. Whilst this seems a long way off, I still feel I'm prepared to work up to it and hope that one day it will become more than a possibility.

1 comment:

Kim Brooke said...

A good start with 1 logo, 2 photos and 6 links. A good amount of personal comment. Watch the grammar. Foundation Degree would have capitals. It's short hand is FdA.